
Modern Warfare Season 2 update

Come check out the update/patch notes that were added to Modern Warfare Season 2; you might discover something interesting there!




Greetings all, Modern Warfare Season 2 update has officially arrived! This update brings with it a host of new weapons, operators, vehicles, maps, and game modes to keep you entertained for hours. From the introduction of one-new Operator to two new tracer packs that look downright fire: VII: eNVY & Purple Jolt; this update promises to deliver an experience that will be hard to match.

We have six new games for players to enjoy, including Punish me, Chill confirmed, Love hotel, heart point, looking for the one and single appreciation day. The Kodachi is back in action and Ronin returns as well. Players can also look forward to the Al Mazrah gunship crash site as well as crossbows, which might just become an annoyance in multiplayer.

The game modes that look the most promising are Gun Game, Hardcore, Infected, Grind with a Twist, as well as some additional maps like Dome, Valderas Museum, Zaya Observatory, and Al Malik. Of all the extra maps mentioned at this time, I believe only Dome and Valderas look like ranked maps, which has me believing rank play has finally made an appearance and for the ranked players out there who want to test their skill, strategies, and willpower to win is very happy about this heck even I am. As for the ground war and invasion maps, Zaya Observatory and Al Malik are unquestionably the best, and I’m glad they introduced two new maps to the battle.

However, I do find it disappointing that they removed Shipment 24/7 because that map was by far the simplest to level up both your weapons and yourself. It also helped with some camo grinding, which sped up the grind somewhat. Therefore, I do kind of hope that Shipment 24/7 will be reinstated at some point in the future. In any case, I’m excited to see what benefits ranked play will bring me—whether they’ll be on par with cold war rank play or even better.

Modern Warfare Season 2 also brings with it a host of changes and fixes to weapons, audio and more. With this update, players can look forward to grinding the battle-pass to the limit, maxing out Iso Hemlock, Kv Broadside shotgun, and our Kodachi. So, let the grinding commence!




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